Today we celebrated 9 months of Delaney Marie.
When I asked Steve what I should write in this post, he said "Tell everyone she's awesome, she's crazy, and she makes monkey sounds."
Delaney is more than just a crazy awesome monkey. She loves people and animals, especially her Brundibar dog. She crawls all over the place and is trying her darndest to walk. Delaney has this adorable deep-throated chuckle that's contagious. She is thriving away, and has become an eating machine. Recently, Laney-cat has learned that when she throws her food on the ground, Brundibar cleans up after her. She really, really likes that game.
Steve and I feel so grateful to be Delaney's parents. She challenges us in ways that I never imagined, and I constantly find myself pleading for God's wisdom. And we're only 9 months into this parenting thing. But we love every minute, every stinkin' minute.
Thanks for making our world a better place, Delaney Marie.