I really don't want this blog to become solely dedicated to all things baby, but I can't ignore the needs of my fans. So here's some baby info:
1. My dear friends Shari and Kari (with the help of Nana-to-be Marsha) threw me an amazing baby shower on Sunday. It was fun, and totally "Karen-ish." We had a chocolate fountain, played games involving candy, and had a children's book raffle and trivia game. I only wish that we could have had some kittens on hand to cuddle with and it would have been heaven on earth. I will post pictures of the shower soon.
2. I had my 32 week check-up last week, and everything is looking perfect! Her heartbeat is wonderful, my blood-pressure and weight-gain are right on track, and she's moving around like the dickens. My midwife informed me that I have to get more blood taken next month, and I didn't even freak out. I am such a grown-up now!
3. Steve and I signed up for baby and child-birthing classes. Our first one is all day on Valentine's Day. Pretty romantic, eh?
4. We have been BLESSED beyond goodness knows what by the generosity of our friends and families and pretty much have all the big items that we need. This includes our crib, car seat, stroller, and enough clothes to sink a boat.
Now, just a few pictures: