Once again, I'm behind in my blogging. A few weeks ago, Delaney and I flew up to Oregon to visit family and friends, and to enjoy some real fall weather. It was a short but action-packed few days. We started off the trip by spending time with my BFF Alison and her kiddos, but we AGAIN failed to take any pictures. There's just something about being outnumbered by children that doesn't lend itself well to picture taking. We also had an all-too-quick visit with other dear friends, Christina and Candi, and another all-too-quick lunch with BFF Beka and a good portion of the Kiker clan. Delaney and I were also able to spend time at my Grandparent's farm, Rasmussen Farms. If you know me, you know that this place is very special to me. Delaney visited last year, but I doubt she remembers much. This time around she ruled the joint.
Mama & Delaney at the entrance of Pumpkin Funland
4 generations- My Grams, Mom, Delaney, Me, & Great Aunt Francie
Delaney with her Great Grams & Gramps
Delaney looks in wonder at her domain...
This is the Halloween Hut. I didn't care to go in, mostly because it's about 4 ft. tall. But Aunt Francie braved it with Delaney--who wasn't afraid to explore in the least.
See, I told you she ruled the joint.
Isn't this corn maze awesome? The theme was "Where's Waldo? "
Delaney with her Mama & Great Grams
Pretty cute, no?
Delaney loved Great Gramps' tractor...that is, until she got close to it.
Gramps was trying his darndest to get her to smile.
My Gramps & Grams, once again, made special pumpkins for Delaney and the new baby. At the time, we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, so my Grandparents etched "TBA" on this pumpkin for the new little one. Pretty humorous!