Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Glad Tidings

Glad tidings of joy were FINALLY granted to my bff and her hubby today. They passed court in Ethiopia this morning, which means they get to bring their son home!

Take a look at Delaney's new boyfriend:

Check out Jake and Beka's blog for more info...
Auntie Karen loves you so much, Ayeresam Jacob!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

9 Months

Today we celebrated 9 months of Delaney Marie.

When I asked Steve what I should write in this post, he said "Tell everyone she's awesome, she's crazy, and she makes monkey sounds."

Delaney is more than just a crazy awesome monkey. She loves people and animals, especially her Brundibar dog. She crawls all over the place and is trying her darndest to walk. Delaney has this adorable deep-throated chuckle that's contagious. She is thriving away, and has become an eating machine. Recently, Laney-cat has learned that when she throws her food on the ground, Brundibar cleans up after her. She really, really likes that game.

Steve and I feel so grateful to be Delaney's parents. She challenges us in ways that I never imagined, and I constantly find myself pleading for God's wisdom. And we're only 9 months into this parenting thing. But we love every minute, every stinkin' minute.

Thanks for making our world a better place, Delaney Marie.