Monday, April 12, 2010


Today Steven Dunlap turned 30. And in my opinion, he's never looked better.

Every year I try to put into words how much I love and appreciate Steve, and every year I fall short.

Steve and I first met when we were 18 years old. He was the southern California boy with bleach blonde hair, a Gotcha hat, and a ton of energy. I was the unsure, small town girl sporting a bright yellow shirt that said "Read On!" I think we became best friends within the first 5 minutes of meeting each other. There's much more to the story, but thinking about where our story starts always makes me smile.

I'm so thankful for Steve, for so many reasons. He brings laughter, balance, wisdom, and a sprinkle of crankiness to my life that is always needed.

Happy birthday, Stevie. 30 looks good on you.


ck2m said...

Happy Birthday Steve. You both have a good time in Las Vegas next month.

candacemorris said...

youth, all looks good on Steve. He's ageless...and suck a rock for the ladies in his life.

Loving you.

Dana said...

Happy belated birthday Steve!! And I just smiled thinking of you two becoming best of my all time favorite love stories!!!