Here's a brief snapshot of what us Dunlaps have been doing as of late:
Sir Brundibar the Pooper
I don't know when it happened, but sometime within the past decade I became a bit anal and obsessive about things being "just so." I realized it the other day when I began straighting business cards at Enterprise Car Rental. Anywho, it seems as though Brundibar suffers from the same ailment. As I was scooping up his dogie deposits left in the yard, I realized that he had pooped 4 different times in a perfectly straight line. I thought about getting out the laser level to check the preciseness of his handy work, but the sane part of my brain won that battle. I also thought about taking a picture of it to post on our blog, but I was afraid that the image might jeopardize our PG blog rating.
The Green Giant
Many plants and various flora and fauna have lost their lives throughout the process of building this darn fence. So much so that we had collected a giant green pile of whatnot on our driveway. Yeah, our neighbors love us. This Saturday was free dump day, so we enlisted the help of our superwomen friends, Micah and Elizabeth, to help us load the dump truck. They were amazing! Steve and Mikey took the trash to the dump early Saturday morning and they didn't even stop for ice cream afterwards! Jeez! This may sound bizarre, but going to the dump was a BIG deal as a kid growing up in the Lee household. We had a special dump song that we would sing and we always stopped for ice cream afterwards. Always. Oh, those crazy Oregonians!
The Weekend Warrior
This picture is a fairly accurate depiction of my husband, complete with his weekend warrior hat (more commonly referred to as a gardening sombrero). The only thing missing from this picture is the fact that Steve is not wearing his God-forsaken Cush shirt (because it was hanging up to dry). God bless my husband and God bless his handiness. Why would we buy gates to our fence when we could make them? Why?
The Fence, Part Duex
It's almost done! Almost!